Keep Your Hand On That Plow

Keep Your Hand On That Plow
Keep Your Hand On That Plow

Monday, September 19, 2011

All The President's Beer

The White House Ferments Its Own

Over the weekend a typical tempest in a teapot story ran out out of D.C. about the President having a beer with the newest Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer. Meyer's story, like all the MOH holders is stirring and humbling to read about and yet the news somehow turned to a picture of Meyer and Obama having a beer together.

Some of Obama's critics latched on to a photo of the shared beer as a manipulative photo-op. It's hard to blame folks' cynicism over the use of fellow citizens in this way (although perhaps we should remember that Reagan pioneered this in his State of the Union Address), but it turns out Meyer asked if he could have a beer with the President.  They didn't allow the press there it became a twitter-fest from one picture.

It's not as if Meyer needed to be any better, but I really admire the fact that when the White House called to finalize the ceremony arrangements he asked if he could talk with the President over drinks. Fantastic.

Brewmaster POTUS
As a result of the latest beer summit is has come out that Obama bought a home brewing operation and had it installed in the White House. Meyer and POTUS drank a Honey wheat beer together. Apparently the White House staff chefs run the homebrewing operation and they have been quietly serving it at gatherings such as St. Patrick's Day. So this isn't exactly the honey brown beer we used to brew in my buddy's basement. Even so, as a beer aficionado I feel a little better represented in D.C. as a result of this news.

Potential Names for White House Home Brews
You know how some homebrewers get pretty clever with their own labels. Well imagine what you could do with White House Home Brew:
State Dinner (Anti) Imperial Stout
POTUS Pilsner
Lincoln Bedroom Honest Ale
Madison's British Smoked Beer
Washington Monumental Mead
Oval Office Bock
Press Corps (UP)I.P.A.
Land of the Free (High Gravity) Rye Pale Ale

The possibilities are fun to contemplate.

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